Helping Professionals to Find a New Job Within Your Current Career
HonnolDCounseling can help you determine if you should find a new job, within your current profession, to increase your professional satisfaction.
You may also need to find a new job because you have lost your job, you will soon be laid off, your performance has been found unsatisfactory, you have lost interest in your current job, there is no room for professional development or advancement, or the political tide has changed in Washington and you have no choice but to move.
The source of your unhappiness at work may actually be your current job:
- “My work feels right, but I don’t like the office where I’m doing it.”
- “My supervisor is driving me crazy, and there is no way to escape her.”
- “I love my job, but the guy sitting next to me smacks his lips when he eats.”
- “The work is interesting, but the hours are too long.”
- “There’s too much travel, and I never see my kids.”
- “I’m being underpaid for my work.”
- “No professional development is possible in my current job.”
- “I don’t want to start over, but I need a fresh start somewhere else.”
- “The organization is badly run, and I’m forever putting out fires.”
- “I love politics, but I can’t stand sharing one room with six people.”
- “The clients are ungrateful, and they call me late at night.”
- “It’s too stressful in the private sector. I’d rather work 9-5 for the government.”
- “My support staff are lazy and incompetent, and no one is highly motivated.”
- “The office is run by political appointees who don’t know what they’re doing.”
- “I’m ready to start my own business, create my own job.”
If you’re unhappy with your job, but not with your profession, HonnolDCounseling can help you:
- Review Your Interests, Skills and Credentials: You will need to make a realistic assessment of your interests, qualifications and experience in seeking a new job.
- Assess the Job Market: You will need to assess the demand for professionals in your field to determine where to look for a job.
- Examine New Opportunities: You may wish to identify new opportunities in your field for employment, and broaden your search.
- Focus and Update Your Resume: You may need to assess, update and refocus your resume, developing several versions for different target jobs.
- Gain New Skills and Credentials: To advance in your field, you may need to retrain to get new skills and to increase your qualifications.
- Mobilize an Effective Job Search Campaign: You may need to sharpen and refine your networking, job application, interviewing, and follow-up techniques.
- Prepare to Change Direction: If your initial job search efforts are unsuccessful, you may need to refine your search and change direction.
- Sustain Focus and Motivation: In an extended job search, you may need support in sustaining your effort and maintaining hope.
- Buy Down Your Goodwill Capital: To downshift work in your current job while you look for another, your concentration and productivity may decrease.
- Creating Your Own Job: If you wish to become an entrepreneur, you must undertake much groundwork, careful planning, and business development before you make your move.
- Saying Goodbye: When you leave your current job, turn out the lights and say goodbye with grace.
No one enjoys looking for a new job. Those with exceptional credentials, high motivation, and job search competence experience less stress and achieve better results. With 30 years of experience in professional transitions, HonnolDCounseling can help you undertake an effective job search and achieve success.
““It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities.”
— Albus Dumbledore
If you don’t like your niche, move the ladder.”